Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity 4


I choose this lesson plan because it can draw cross-curricular ties with other subjects and current changing education policy. While the lesson is, as written on the website, not only boring but severely lacking in educational value, with the addition of asking students to write their own music it becomes immediately relevant. Many genres of popular music rely on little to no notation, which is an outcome of this lesson. Students will compose their own pieces without musical notation. In addition, students must understand the function of lyrics in the genre. This could also tie into a social justice unit a music teacher may choose to teach (a common unit focus in the music classroom). The gaps between the three columns of information were bridged with the addition of the final piece of the lesson plan, the composition of music. The use of technology acts as the backbone of the lesson. With that in mind a clear curriculum goal was established while hitting on numerous standards and using both methods of teaching strategies. The technologies used are commonplace in today's classroom and do not require much preparation, another reason I chose this lesson. I am always aware of the problems technology comes with and understand that a back-up plan is always necessary. It is however essential to teaching this curriculum goal; without technology, students of music would continue believing they are the best performers they have ever heard. Without exposure to performers through media technologies, students would not be able to learn anything about performing.

1 comment:

  1. I like your statement about students believing they are the best players they've ever heard. Its essential in any musical setting to be exposed to different interpretations, recordings, cultures, and styles of music. Through this, students can establish themselves as musicians, as well as become well rounded members of the musical society.
