Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Less is more"

"Less is more," a phrase first written in a poem by Robert Browning in 1855, has a different meaning to everyone. To those who read the Browning poem Andrea del Sarto, it can explain artistic minimalism in a true minimalistic fashion. To others, it can refer to the title of artist Natasha Bedingfield's 2011 North American tour, "Less is More Tour." To me, it refers to teaching more by using less.

NJ Standard 1.1.12.B.1 states "Examine how aspects of meter, rhythm, tonality, intervals, chords, and harmonic progressions are organized and manipulated to establish unity and variety in genres of musical compositions." While this standards resides in 1.1 "The Creative Process" it implies using teaching methods that sit more with 1.3 "Performance." The only way to authentically meet this standard is to lead students in genuine performance of world musics. Instead of conducting a band in 3 concerts of western music each year, I suggest teachers explore music written for other ensembles to teach students. True musicians understand music, not solely western music. How else can a student truly understand this long list of musical ideas?

How can you possibly teach so many cultures in one year? You can't. Pick one each year. By the time your students finish in your program they will have a broader view of music and also of the world. Teaching through performance guarantees that student's will not be as affected by stereotypes seen through technology. Let's face it; there is a point where computers just can't do what humans can do.

To stay on my theme of Less Is More, I will end this post in under 300 words to be sincere in my post without diving in much deeper.

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