Monday, April 9, 2012

The Internet

The internet has not only opened up sources such as YouTube for musicians but has allowed easy access to music history. As a performer, musicians simply convey what a composer says to. In order to correctly perform a piece, therefore, musicians must have a working knowledge of the composer and the context of the piece they are performing. The internet has given musicians instant access to thousands of resources to research such context. Just today while developing a lesson plan for Music Classroom Methods 2, I discovered the tune Yankee Doodle was originally a British fight song mocking the Yankee troops and Americans turned it into a patriotic slap-in-the-face to England. Without internet access, I would never have time to research music context and I not perform as well as I now do. Anyone else have this problem?

1 comment:

  1. YouTube is one of the greatest creations on the internet! It has helped me so much when I need to listen to a solo clarinet piece and get it down. It sometimes can hurt because musicians will just want to copy what they hear to an exact note and never make it their own, but for me I like to use it to get an idea of the outline of a piece and then make it my own.
